Δευτέρα 16 Μαΐου 2022

Dylan's day

The Womb of the Sea


(To Thomas Dylan)



You gaze at the sea


For centuries now


the womb of strange words and verses


She raised you


She's the one who made you travel


serene and wild


She rocked you to sleep with her lullaby


Mesmerizing the elements of nature



And you all the sea


You became rain and you enchanted her


How could you with your little drops


 wound her pride



You were the farmer who tamed the field


releasing hidden voices


and the seeds of memory



You became the river


who loved the road and the clouds


And now you return to the womb of the sea


transparent and beloved



Chrissa Mastrorodimou, Greece




Mastorodimou Chrissa is working as a teacher at primary school. MSc: 1. Literature and language. 2. Special Education. She is writing articles at several literature magazines and has published two anthologies of poetry and one novel. She lives to the town Larissa of Greece.


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